Metastatic Breast Cancer
(1) Mestastatic Breast Cancer
Faces of Metastatic Breast Cancer
Breast cancer remains the most feared disease among women. Receiving a diagnosis of stage IV breast cancer is a shock, and it affects you and everyone who loves you.
(2) Mestastatic Breast Cancer
Advancements in Metastatic Breast Cancer
What is metastatic breast cancer?
Breast cancer is referred to as recurrent breast cancer if it reappears after it was originally diagnosed and treated. Recurrence happens in two forms.
(4) Mestastatic Breast Cancer
Invasive Breast Cancer with Lung Metastases - 5 years after the Issels
I have heard that breast cancer grows more slowly in older women and doesn’t need to be treated. Is that true?
Cancer is a disease of aging, and the incidence of breast cancer is increasing faster in older women than in younger women. Older adults with cancer often have other chronic health problems and may be taking multiple medications, both of which can affect their cancer treatment plan.
(5) Metastatic Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer : Radiation, Surgery, Chemotherapy
How will my oncologist decide how to treat my metastatic breast cancer?
Treatment of metastatic breast cancer can prolong life and enhance its quality, but there is no cure. Therefore, your oncologist’s strategy is to get as much mileage out of each treatment regimen as possible.
(6) Metastatic Breast Cancer
"Thinking of disease constantly will intensify it. Feel always I am healthy in body and mind"
Swami Sivananda
My doctor waited for me to have symptoms before doing any scans. Couldn’t he have found my cancer earlier if he did regular scans after my first diagnosis?
There are tests, such as scans, that might detect the presence of cancer in other organs before symptoms appear.