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Preventive Health Studies

Preventive Health Studies has a objective: study, research, develop, implement, and evaluate methodologies and interventions to improve nutrition and physical activity and reduce overweight and chronic disease risk among children, youth, and their families and to reduce and eliminate disparities in these outcomes.

Knowledge is Power

By possessing knowledge you have the ability to make decisions, ask follow-up questions, or know where to go to obtain more information. In the world of health that is power! That is the purpose of the preventive health medicine - to provide you the power you need to obtain unbiased, accurate information for have a better health and quality of life and avoid diseases.

This not means make life eternal. We follow a different methodology. The texts of our courses are arranged topics in alphabetical order.

Each of these entries defines its topic and explains in detail the particular issue. At the end of most entries are cross references to related topics.

Throughout the alphabetical entries, the reader will find sidebars that separate Fact from Fiction.

There is “Frequently-Asked-Question (FAQ)r” that attempt to address the most common questions that youth ask about sensitive topics.

In addition, we introduce a special feature called “Personal Speak”- case studies  with personal stories related to the topic in hand.

This may be one of the most important of the courses you will ever read.

Please share it with your friends, families, teachers, and classmates.

Remember, you possess the power to control your future under the purposes of God.

One way to affect your coursea are through the acquisition of knowledge.

Good luck and keep healthy.

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Is the Cure for Cancer Inside You? 2080


  • Bipolar Disorder



    This course is about a mood disorder that is so commonly discussed in the media of late-bipolar disorder. Although this disorder is not as common as depression, the number of bipolar disorder diagnoses appears to be rising, mainly because of new research and consideration of symptoms that do not meet the full criteria for bipolar but do have many similar symptoms that cause significant impairment. Such symptomatology may comprise other bipolar categories that are considered part of the “bipolar disorder spectrum.” 

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