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(12) Heart Smiling

  What Is A Stroke? - Narration and Animation



What is a Stroke?

When a blood clot blocks the circulation to a part of the brain, this is what we call a stroke. The affected part of the brain fails to receive a sufficient supply of oxygen-enriched blood. This results in paralyzation of the part of the body that is controlled by the afflicted part of the brain. The statement, A man is as old as his arteries, is so true and not to be carelessly ignored!

Strokes are major causes of disability and death among women in their fifties and older. However, strokes can be prevented by lifestyle changes. Health education and then faithfully living it, is the best protection against having a stroke and any heart problems. Cerebral thrombosis is the most common type of stroke, occurring when a blood clot (thrombosis) forms and blocks blood flow in an artery supplying important blood to part of the brain. Cerebral hemorrhage is a type of stroke which occurs when an artery in the brain bursts, flooding the surrounding tissue with blood.

Any type of stroke is damaging, especially if the disruption of blood flow to the brain is lengthy. The brain begins to die. Then your movements can be severely restricted, as well as your ability to speak. Speech, physical therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are important soon after a stroke.

I’ve seen partially paralyzed people half carried into a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, and often walk out after their first treatment! – Dr.David Steenblock

What Can You Do Today to Reduce Your Vulnerability to a Heart Attack or Stroke?

There are many factors which can lead to a stroke such as: hypertension, nicotine smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, the overuse of aspirin and other drugs, and a heavy fat, salty, fried-food diet and being overweight.

Thousands of heart attacks and strokes occur every day in the U.S.! You could be next – unless you do something about it starting today! You should start immediately to prevent a future heart attack or stroke! The prevention of a heart attack is basically a life-long job of healthy lifestyle living to prevent the slow accumulation of deposits that can clog the arteries. Most cardiologists prescribe aspirin for its anticlotting factor. They claim it may reduce heart attacks by 30% to 50% by reducing blood clotting. Caution: Aspirin may affect the clotting process too much. Also, some people may develop serious stomach problems and gastro-intestinal bleeding. What they need is immediate lifestyle changes for a healthier heart! Also, taking aspirin does not lower cholesterol or blood pressure.

So now the first thing to work for is clean arteries. The inner lining of a healthy person’s arteries is smooth and flexible so that the blood can flow with ease.

The Kidney’s Role in Heart Attacks

When the circulation of blood into the kidneys is impeded, their functioning is seriously impaired. They are soon unable to efficiently eliminate the built-up toxins that accumulate in the blood. The body’s vital fluid balance then gets upset and sick. This overburdens the arteries and leads to their breakdown. (Millions depend on dialysis.) Vitamin C and chelation helps




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